We started pho tai lan.
Promotion Every day from 14:00-22:00 at 11F restaurant
Do you know pho tai lan?
I think there are some people who have been asked about pho.
Vietnamese soul food with rice flour noodles in a soup made with various vegetables and meat.
At Prostyle Hotel Ho Chi Minh, the chef spends hours preparing the soup.
Pho Tai Lan is a dish of beef stir-fried with flavored vegetables in a soup to add flavor.
It is said to be one of the most delicious noodle dishes in Vietnam.
At Prostyle Hotel, we also add fried garlic that goes well with this soup.
Please try it when you come to Vietnam.
99,000 VND
We look forward to welcoming visitors.

When visiting Vietnam, be sure to try Vietnamese cuisine.
We’ll be expecting you.